Thursday, July 2, 2009

Doing Good!

I talked to Rosie tonight and she is doing real good! She just finished a watermelon she had shared with Abbey. I think I may have talked her into updating her blog—maybe tomorrow. I told her we would take baby steps! So, it looks like she on the road to recovery! Victor

Going Home

Abbey called this afternoon and was taking Rosie home! She met with the Physical Therapist this morning and went over some rehab exercises and some safe ways to go up and down the stairs. She hasn't had any pain meds so far today, but when they get home they are going to eat and she make take some then—depends on how she feels.

She has some bandages and a brace that will be in place until she sees her doctor for a follow up next week. Victor

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Resting Comfortably

When Lennie and Abbey left tonight, Rosie was resting comfortably! While in recovery, Rose was coming around and was just starving! She didn't need any more meds for pain while in recovery, but later around 8pm, she did take some. Abbey said she was not being loopie or anything.

In the morning she will be meeting with the physical therapist, and we'll see what time she might be released. Victor

Surgery Complete!

It sounds like the surgery went pretty quick, less than an hour. They made two incisions and placed two screws in Rosie's femur. She is in recovery now, and should be there for at least an hour or so. Rosie is doing good and resting comfortably.

This photo is from just before they took her back for surgery. Isn't she cute with her little bonnet?


Rose is READY! The surgeon is a little behind schedule. It looks like they are shooting for a 4 or 4:30 start time. Victor

No Food or Water after Midnight!

Some of you may not know this, and I hate to shock you this way, but Rose is going under the knife today around 3pm. She suffered a hard fall last week and was diagnosed with a hairline fracture of her left femur (thigh bone). She will be having surgery to place pins or screws in the bone to help immobilize the injury. Lennie and Abbey will be at the hospital with her throughout the day. It is unknown at this time if it is outpatient or what, but they think she may have to stay overnight.

I know these blogs have helped in the past with Lennie and my mom Tina, keeping everyone informed as best as possible, while keeping the phone calls down to a minimum. As soon as we hear something new, someone will post it here asap! Thanks, Victor